Mind Coaching can help people to positively change their mental-emotional wellbeing.
At Belfast Chiropractic Clinic, Aisling has an integrated approach shaped to the needs of each client. People attend seeking help or support for a range of unwanted emotional reactions such as stress & anxiety, relationship and confidence issues. Mindcoaching often goes hand in hand with the other physical therapies at the clinic, and Aisling works closely with the chiropractors, Nutritionist and CST practitioners in a whole-person approach. At the clinic we want to help you achieve lasting change and so if a client keeps attending a chiropractor who is having recurrent neck or back pain or chronic pain, often there can be a strong emotional element and that person would benefit from looking at the underlying stress issues that may be manifesting as physical problems.
Aisling works with clients who are serious about making positive life changes, helping them to leave the past behind and helping them find sustainable solutions to what is bothering them.
So how do we approach 'a problem' differently using Mindcoaching?
Traditional talking therapies often focused solely on talking, with mixed results, some people found that discussing and talking about the past was healing for them but for others it made them feel stuck and unable to move forward. They knew all the 'whys' as to why they felt the way they did, but knowing this wasn't enough to figure out 'how' to help them change the negative thought patterns or reactions or find solutions.
Aislings approach is different. While we do discuss the past, we are careful not to get stuck there. Talking can be really helpful, but modern understanding means that endlessly talking about the past or past traumas does not always help people move forward. Mindcoaching helps people understand how to better listen to the messages that their body is sending them now- and help them regulate their emotions and feel safe in the moment.
“I don’t understand why I am having this reaction”
Recent developments over these past 20 years has led to a much deeper understanding of how difficult emotions and trauma can be stored at a somatic level or ‘in the body tissue’. Our bodies are amazing and complex living systems, emotions get stuck, tension is held and people can live their life stuck on fight or flight. Early life experiences and pressures in the home can heighten the stress response within the body, tuning it to be more hyper vigilant, more easily stressed and more prone to black and white thinking. Often they feel physical symptoms like feeling disconnected from their body, tiredness and digestive issues.
Being stuck in a stressed state means relationships are often more difficult, as it's hard to feel truly safe with someone else.
This is why knowing 'why' we are feeling anxious is not enough to simply stop feeling anxious. Instead working with the person to show them how to calm their body and nervous system down can be much more effective. Aisling combines hands-on CranioSacral therapy with the other techniques she has, and teaches clients the skills to work on such feelings in-between sessions. Often when they are in a more resourceful state physically, it will change how they feel emotionally.
Aisling integrates CranioSacral therapy with her Coaching
A cranioSacral therapist uses their hands to ‘listen’ to you in much the same way that a counsellor might listen to your words. The body then responds to this sensitive touch by beginning to ‘listen’ more to itself. This can help ease tension patterns, unwind tight muscles like jaw and neck pain and help clients express emotion that may be held within their body system.
At Belfast Chiropractic Clinic, our clients have described CranioSacral Therapy as stimulating a sense of comfort, acceptance, inner peace, relief, stillness, relaxation, and connection.
So who a typical client who is feeling anxious or stressed?
Usually they are the 'doers'. They are busy people, they look after everyone and sometimes forget about themselves. They have a lot of resources but may just need help finding them again.
There are many different reasons why people make contact, often it is the first time they have asked for help. It is unsurprising that in today's busy world more and more people are feeling stretched, overwhelmed and under pressure. Often they are having a period of uncertainty in their life, a relationship is difficult, or they have a big project on in work and are feeling worried, and unsure if they will cope with it. Sometimes they are A-level students who are worried about getting exam work done.
So how can I make a start?
Generally people can come for a consultation with Aisling and she will listen closely and honestly to help you decide the best way to move forward. If she feels you will be better served at starting at a different level, she may recommend one of the more physical therapies within the clinic, or if she feels that her approach is the best place to start then she will recommend her course of action and how to start.
How many sessions?
Generally 4-6 core sessions with Aisling will be helpful to make shifts on an emotional issue or lifestyle change, and often after that space sessions out to one every few weeks or months. However, depending on the issue and the amount of support they have in other areas of their life, sometimes the client requires more support. especially if the issue is an ongoing one (like a break up or ongoing job stress).
There is no obligation to keep coming, you will always be able to decide what is right for you and lead the way in what works best for you.
If you want to find out more about how she can help you then read more and get in touch with her through her website or call the clinic today to book an appointment.
Common Issues Aisling has helped her clients with
Stress & Anxiety
Relationships & intimacy
Social anxiety & confidence
Nervousness after car accidents
Overeating, undereating, food phobias
Confidence problems in a new job
Parenting problems